
Learning Development Part 3

In this tutorial I was to create a re-usable menu button which I thought would be a useful tutorial to complete and would teach me an element I could incorporate into my upcoming piece of design.

Sadly I found this tutorial difficult to follow and I wasn’t able to complete it with any success. The problem I encountered was that the elements I was creating were not functioning or moving on the stage as the tutorial was telling me they should.

I thought that this may possible be down to the settings of my version of Flash but in addition to this the writer of this tutorial was not as easy to follow as the previous writers.

After this failed attempt I decided to go back to building a banner. The reason for this was that there was a lot of changing layers and animating instances involved in the creation of buttons in one single button which had me confused and so I felt I might have been trying to run before I could walk.

The next banner I attempted had a fixed graphic and fixed text but also had an animated graphic in it.

Completed Tutorial

This was obtained from a link in the Flash help section that took me to the Adobe website, there were a few choices on there but this looked to be the most suited to my current level, novice.

This again was a much smoother operation to complete and I pulled it off without much of a hitch and it works well.

What I feel is that there is a distinct difference in quality between the tutorials written for the product and those created and posted on forums and on independent websites.

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