
Delivery Requirements

XHTML 1.0 Strict
XHTML will be used to make the structure of my site and hold the content. The content will be in ‘Divs’ and I will use CSS to then arrange my divs and control the design and look of the site.

CSS 2.1
I am using CSS to keep file sizes lower and coding faster. CSS will provide a better result in search engines and help to adhere to the W3C guidelines 1.0. I will use CSS 1 and CSS 2 as they are the most widely supported versions in current browsers.

When I am using Flash to produce elements of my web page I will be using Flash CS3. Should the elements produced contain actionscript it will be implemented in Actionscript 3.0 as this is the latest version of the language which is supported in Flash Player 9.

PHP 5 will be used if I am to use a form element. I am using this version of PHP as this is the latest version that is supported by my web host. I will also use PHP to enable people to contact my client.

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